Garlic Parsley Butter | Morsels of Life

Garlic Parsley Butter

Morsels of Life - Garlic Parsley Butter

Lots of food blogs, including this one, are quick to highlight the stars of the show. Everything from your pastries, entrees, and salads, but often in the shadows of obscurity are the key players who make simple dishes fabulous. These guys (as if food had a the English language that is) deserve a little bit of the spotlight, and so I thought it a neat idea to bring to the forefront one of the supporting cast members - butter. Butter is a staple to any cook’s kitchen, but infused with the right components, and it becomes marvelous ally to almost any dish. More than just a gooey dip for your pizza crusts, garlic parsley butter is fun to use with eggs, meat dishes, or just on a plain piece of toast. I’ve only recently gave this active thought, and it is starting to creep its way into more of my experiments. Feel free to try it out and let me know what kind of great combinations you’ve come up with!

Garlic Parsley Butter
This garlic parsley butter plays exceptionally well with many foods, combining the versatility of butter with the aromatic punch of herbs and garlic.

Prep time: 1 minute
Cook time: none
Total time: 1 minute
Yield: 6 servings


  • 1/4 cup butter, melted

  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder

  • 1 tablespoon dried parsley


  1. Combine all materials and allow flavors to infuse.

  2. Store refrigerated until ready to use.

What about you? What's your favorite butter flavor?

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